I was SO excited for this session, like seriously couldn't wait - excited! While on the outside Kurstee is a goddess, among us mere mortals, she's even more beautiful on the inside. She's one of those really genuine people who has a kind word for everyone she meets.
So, the day finally arrives and lets just say the weather was less than stellar. We we're a little frantic to find an indoor location and just happened to hit the jackpot. Kurstee's mom, Stacey, was able to sweet talk the secretary at First Pentecostal Church in Little Rock, into letting us use their lobby and grounds. At the last minute I might add!
Kurstee quickly gets ready in their ridiculously amazing bathroom while we get all set up. We get a couple of keepers and head out to the front porch where the light is just incredible! The outside photos are my absolute favorites from this session and I'm sure you can see why!
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